2020 continues to be one of the most unpredictable years in memory, as markets rose to new all-time highs in the third quarter despite a resurgence in coronavirus cases. Stocks rallied thanks to a combination of even more accommodative Fed policy, hopes for a COVID-19 vaccine, and a stronger-than-expected economic rebound, before markets declined moderately from those highs in mid-September.

The third quarter began with a resurgence of coronavirus cases in the United States as new daily cases of COVID-19 smashed through levels seen in March and April, eventually topping out at a record 78,871 new cases on July 24. But, unlike in March and April, stocks did not decline following the spike in new cases, as state governments enacted more surgical economic shutdowns instead of the wholesale lockdowns that occurred in the first half of the year. That change in strategy, combined with the fact that hospitalization rates and mortality rates of COVID-19 remained far below March and April levels, helped the stock market look past the increase in cases.

The rally continued in August, aided by the peak and subsequent decline of coronavirus cases in some of the largest U.S. states (California, Florida, and Texas). Additionally, despite the expiration of the CARES Act stimulus, U.S. economic data continued to improve throughout August, powering stocks higher. In late August the Federal Reserve formally announced the adoption of an “average inflation target,” which effectively signaled the Fed would tolerate higher inflation in the economy more so than in recent history. That policy shift is a potentially longer-term bullish event for stocks as they are positively correlated to higher inflation. Led by gains in the tech sector, the S&P 500 hit a new all-time high in mid-August, and the rally continued through month-end.

The final month of the third quarter, however, provided a reminder that the macroeconomic outlook remains uncertain and markets can still quickly become volatile. The tech rally in August was so relentless that it elicited comparisons by the financial media to the tech bubble of the 2000s. While that was somewhat hyperbolic, the pace of the gains in the tech sector simply wasn’t sustainable. And in the first few days of September, the tech rally became exhausted, the Nasdaq peaked, and stocks began a correction process that would last for most of the month. From a catalyst standpoint, the initial declines were a function of buyer exhaustion, but there were also some incrementally negative events in September that weighed on stocks.

First, it became evident that there would be no new economic stimulus bill in September, as both Democrats and Republicans remained far apart in negotiations. Second, economic data began to imply a “plateau” in the economic recovery. Finally, late in the month, coronavirus cases surged in Europe and began to move higher again in certain U.S. states, prompting some concern about a return to various levels of economic lockdown in Europe and the U.S

Looking forward, as we begin the final quarter of this historic year, the market correction of September helped to reset expectations about the numerous unknowns still facing investors in both the short and long term. But while the September pullback was a reminder of potential market volatility, we start the final quarter of 2020 at more reasonable market valuations, historically speaking.


Markets and the economy have staged a historic rebound since the late-March lows, and while we all welcome this impressive comeback, we enter the final quarter of the year keenly aware that some of the biggest unknowns for the markets and the economy will be resolved positively or negatively in the next three months.

Starting with the obvious, November 3 is Election Day, and, apropos for 2020, this election will be one of the most uncertain in our lifetimes. Beyond the most important question, “Who will win the Presidency?” markets are also focused on whether the Democrats will be able to take control of the Senate. If so, and Biden wins the Presidency, Democrats would control both the legislative and executive branches of government, a scenario dubbed the “Blue Wave” by the financial media. Such a scenario would result in the increased potential for policy changes, which would likely create short-term market volatility.

However, any near-term volatility associated with a Blue Wave would probably be small compared to the worst-case scenario for the election: that there is no clear winner by the end of Election Day. The election could become contested, which would result in the entire country being dragged through a similar episode of Bush vs. Gore in the early 2000s. In that outcome, we should expect significant short-term market volatility until a winner is declared, potentially as late as mid-December.

Unfortunately, the election is not the only source of potential uncertainty and volatility coming in the next three months. Hopes for a COVID-19 vaccine have helped stocks rally to current levels, and there are now three separate vaccines undergoing final Phase III trials. Those trials will likely reach their conclusion in the coming weeks, perhaps before the election. If those trials fail to produce a viable vaccine candidate, we can anticipate further volatility, as markets are expecting widespread COVID-19 vaccine distribution by early to mid-2021.

Finally, by the end of the fourth quarter, investors will learn the fate of the stimulus bill currently stuck in Congress. There’s near-universal agreement the economy could use more stimulus, but the politics of the election, combined with Republican and Democrat differences about how much money should be spent and where that money should go, have prevented stimulus from being passed and delivered to the U.S. economy. Markets expect a stimulus bill to pass by year-end, and if that fails to materialize, it will create more volatility.

Bottom line, the resiliency of the U.S. economy and markets is both admirable and encouraging, as the economic and market recovery from the worst pandemic in 100 years has been nothing short of extraordinary. That rebound verifies the value of sticking to a well-constructed, diversified financial plan aimed at achieving long-term investment goals.

However, our experience has taught us not to be complacent simply because the market has been resilient. So, while we have all welcomed the strong market rebound in Q2 and Q3, the fact remains that a lot of important unknowns will be resolved in Q4, and because of that, there is the possibility for more market volatility during the final three months of 2020.

While short-term volatility might reappear between now and year-end, the markets in 2020 have once again demonstrated that a long-term approach combined with a well-designed and well-executed investment strategy can overcome periods of elevated volatility, market corrections, bear markets, and even global pandemics.

At Day Hagan Private Wealth, we understand the risks facing both the markets and the economy, and we are committed to helping you effectively navigate this challenging investment environment. Successful investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and even intense volatility like we experienced in the first half of this year is unlikely to alter a diversified approach set up to meet your long-term investment goals.

Therefore, it’s critical for you to stay invested, remain patient, and stick to the plan, as we’ve worked with you to establish a unique, personal allocation target based on your financial position, risk tolerance, and investment timeline.

Finally, we thank you for your ongoing confidence and trust. Please rest assured that our entire team will remain dedicated to helping you successfully navigate this market environment.


The Team at Day Hagan Private Wealth

—Written 10.08.2020.

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Investment advisory services offered through Donald L. Hagan, LLC, a SEC registered investment advisory firm. Accounts held at Raymond James and Associates, Inc. (member FINRA, SIPC) and Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (member FINRA, SIPC). Day Hagan Asset Management and Day Hagan Private Wealth are both dbas of Donald L. Hagan, LLC